Welcome to the National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra and Concert Band

An Orchestral and Concert Band Course
for Scouts and Guides aged 12-25

Anniversary Course

Saturday 2 August- Sunday 10 August 2025 in Stourbridge, West Midlands.
Cost £695.

Concerts- Albert Hall Nottingham and Symphony Hall Birmingham

The Closing date for applications was 9am on Sunday 1st December 2024

All instruments have now closed and any updates will be provided after 30th December.

In 2025 we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the NSGSO and the 10th anniversary of the NSGCB in its current format and will be our biggest course yet. The 2025 residential course will again take place in Stourbridge at Old Swinford Hospital School and will culminate in two bumper concerts at Nottingham Albert Hall and Birmingham Symphony Hall presenting a tribute to their collective 60 year history.

If you are a member of Scouts or Girlguiding, aged 12-25 by next summer and above grade 4 on your first instrument then consider applying to join with Scouts and Guides from all over the UK.

Membership of both ensembles is around 90 players. Both courses offer an intense week of rehearsals and workshops with a professional conductor and sectional tutors. Members are integrated for all social, accommodation and pastoral events. The NSGSO and NSGCB are hosted by Birmingham Scout County.

Applicants between the ages of 26-30 may be considered in the event that a section is undersubscribed.

What our members and supporters say:

“NSGCB is one of the best ways to combine both music and Guiding or Scouting. The music you play is always fun, even if it may seem difficult to start with. The tutors are incredible and the music  sounds amazing at the end. The friendships you form are ones that will last for a very long time. The staff are the loveliest and most supportive people, helping with the smallest tasks to organise the whole course. It is definitely one of the best weeks I have been on.”

Lauren – Member, Percussion

Super individuals who really want to improve their orchestral playing. A high spot in my tutoring year!

Jeremy Shoobridge – Woodwind Tutor

“I am impressed by the development of  NSGSO and NSGCB, with the gradual increase in the numbers of young people benefiting from involvement and the increase in standards of performance over the years. The scheme also gives the youngsters involved a fantastic week of personal development, fun and friendship.”

Iain Waddell – GSL and Supporter

NSGSO is the highlight of my summer every year! The sectionals and rehearsals challenge me to play to the best of my ability, as well as developing many musical skills. Whilst the week is intense, there’s still lots of opportunities to relax, whether that’s at the ceilidh, rock climbing, getting crafty or just chilling playing cards. It is a perfect mixture of music, activities and amazing friends. If you love music and you love guiding or scouting you’re guaranteed to have a fab week.

Claire – Member, Flute/Bassoon

“I was totally enthralled by the music played during the concert. The talent of all the members involved was amazing and it was totally obvious that I was witnessing something quite unique. The commitment of everyone comes across in the performance, but also from the brief conversations I had everyone loves being part of the orchestra and the band. I know that many members have been taking the opportunity to take part for a number of years and whilst it is hard work they make many friends.”

Julie Bell-Deputy - Chief Guide

“NSGSO provides a fabulous opportunity for Scouting and Guiding members to come together and share their love of music, whilst making new friends, challenging themselves and having heaps of fun in a safe environment. The staff team all work so hard to provide a fun week, culminating in outstanding performances to showcase the talents of the orchestra and ensembles.”

Sarah – Parent