Although the main focus of the course is the music the staff team also provide a number of social activities that are totally optional but help you to get to know other members, have fun and participate in different activities during the week.
The main social centre is in the school’s base lounge. We provide a small tuck shop with drinks and sweets and also merchandise which includes pens, pencils, pin badges, stickers, mugs and water bottles. You can also purchase a CD of the concerts during the week which is sent to you in September. There is always a leader in this room for any matters of pastoral care or first aid
Ice Breakers
On the first afternoon there are ice breakers to get to know each other; to those in your ensembles, section and dormitory blocks. We introduce all the staff team and our mentors to you at this stage; more details about them are under pastoral care. This is a great opportunity if you are new to meet others right at the beginning of the course. There is also a short optional meeting for parents upon arrival.
Afternoon and Evening Activities
We have a number of activities during free time in the afternoons and evenings such as the annual quiz, beetle drive, crafts, ceilidh, campfire, water fight, morris dancing and Scouts/Guides Own. You can also go into town in the afternoon break in a minimum group of 3 people. All of these activities are totally optional and you are always welcome to go back to your room and have a rest or sit in one of the common room areas with your friends and chat, play cards, do jigsaws etc. There is also a presentation evening when everyone is presented with a certificate and badge alongside photos with the conductors and course manager.
In the midweek afternoon session we have a slightly longer break. Activities change every year. In 2024 we held a Monopoly Run; previous years have included a variety of activities to chose from including kayaking, climbing, orienteering, bell ringing, team games and escape rooms. They change each year and we announce prior to the course what is on offer.
NSGSO & NSGCB’s Got Talent
On our final Saturday night after the concerts we have our very own NSGSO and NSGCB’s Got Talent event, where we all get together for a party and showcase the skills of anyone who wishes. This has included a kazoo group, small music groups and always the much anticipated staff music event! This is a very late night but ends a fabulous week on a high before members return home.