Although the main focus of the course is the music the staff team also provide a number of social activities that are totally optional but help you to get to know other members, have fun and participate in different activities during the week. 

On the first afternoon there are ice breakers to get to know each other; to those in your ensembles, section and dormitory blocks. We also have a number of activities during the free time in the afternoons and evenings. These include a number from a quiz, beetle drive, crafts, ceilidh, campfire, water fight, morris dancing and Scouts/Guides Own. You can also go into town in the afternoon break in a minimum group of 3 people. All of these activities are totally optional and you are always welcome to go back to your room and have a rest or sit in one of the common room areas with your friends and chat, play cards, do jigsaws etc.

In the midweek afternoon session on Wednesday we have a slightly longer break and you will have a choice of activities. These could include kayaking, climbing, orienteering, archery, bell ringing, team games and escape rooms. They change each year and we announce them in the May prior to the course what is on offer.