
Are there any social activities?

Although the main focus of the course is the music the staff team also provide a number of social activities that are totally optional but help you to get to know other members, have fun and participate in different activities during the week.  On the first afternoon there are ice breakers to get to know

By |2020-08-15T13:35:34+01:00August 15th, 2020||0 Comments

I don’t know anyone; how easy is it to make friends?

Each year we have a number of new participants, usually around 30-40; the majority of whom do not know anyone before they attend. On arrival we hold an “ice-breaking” session, and members normally find that they are soon able to get to know the people within their accommodation and musical sections.  Alongside our staff team

By |2020-08-15T13:34:29+01:00August 15th, 2020||0 Comments
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